Smoky Sirloin Steak with Tomato Hummus

West Coast Native Represents Beef on the East Coast

C. Brown | June 1, 2020

marty tatman

West Coast Native Represents Beef on the East Coast  

The population of Wyoming in 2019, according to the U.S Census Bureau, was nearly 580,000 people.  Marty Tatman, Northeast Team Beef member, grew up on a cattle and corn farm in Wyoming.  His adult life took him to the east coast where he’s been employed by the American Farm Bureau Federation for the last eight years.  Washington D.C. has a population of over 7.6 million, quite an increase from the population of his home state of Wyoming!   

Here in the Northeast, we consider Marty to be one of our foundational Team Beef members.  Long before the creation of the Northeast Team Beef program, Marty was advocating for beef while running.  Several years ago, race-specific groups of Team Beef members were assembled to participate in large urban races, one of which took place every October in Marty’s new city of Washington, D.C.  The 2014 Marine Corps Marathon is where Marty met Team Beef!    

“I was raised eating home-grown beef, so it’s always been part of my diet. I continue to enjoy and eat beef because it provides me the nutrients and energy I need to get my runs in…plus it is tasty!”  comments Marty when asked why he chooses to represent beef as a Team Beef member in the Northeast.  He goes on, “I love hearing, “I love beef” and “Go Team Beef” by people in the crowd while I run. I was able to have a really good conversation about beef about a year ago before the Parkway 10-Miler here in D.C. I was with a fellow Team Beef member and we ran into some of his friends. Not only did we talk about what Team Beef was and why we were part of it, but we also were able to share why we eat beef and how it fuels us for our races.”    

Travel restrictions and the elimination of large gatherings due to the COVID-19 crisis have caused many race cancellations across the country.  Marty and thousands of other runners have had to refocus personal running plans for the summer and possibly the fall.  He shares, “My overall running goal is to get in 90 miles a month. Once we can travel again, I would like to add a few different races to my schedule, including an international race which I have never done before.”  

We asked Marty what continues to motivate him to keep running.  He responded with, “It really has become something I love and look forward to each day. I love being in a new city and using my runs to see more of the city than I normally would. My two favorite places to run is Las Vegas along the Strip and at my family’s farm.”  

Marty Profile

Learn more about the 35 members of the Northeast Team Beef program, including Marty, by viewing the member library and our Stories of Strength page. 

Stay tuned to the Northeast Beef Promo Facebook and Instagram pages to catch up on how the Northeast region is actively seeking to promote beef. 

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